Become a CCFT Member

Become a member
If you would like to become a member, please complete this online membership form.

CCFT deductions for all terms are equal to 1.50 % of gross salary for all unit members, including overload units and summer and winter sessions.


The Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers, American Federation of Teachers Local 4400, represents all faculty at Cabrillo College. Our membership includes teachers, counselors, librarians, and other academic employees. Our strength lies in member participation and involvement, and our collective action. By joining the union, you support our efforts at the bargaining table to improve our conditions of work and the efforts at the state and national levels, where our parent unions work in support of faculty and public education.

Benefits of union membership:

As a union member, you will have the right to vote in union elections and on contract ratification. In addition, you will have access to scholarships, occupational liability insurance, and other discount programs, including:

For more information on special member benefits, please visit

Activate your AFT membership card online
Click on the following link to activate your card: Note that new members should receive an AFT membership card about a month after becoming a member.

Contact your division representative, a CCFT officer or the CCFT office