President's Report

Hello CCFT!

Welcome back to 2013 fall semester! Big thanks to Paul Harvell for his six years of dedication and strong leadership as our CCFT president. I am excited to step into this role and look forward to working together this year.

We are all breathing a sigh of relief in this post-Prop 30 year. Let’s hope that state revenues continue to grow so that we will be able to bring more resources to Cabrillo and strengthen our programs.

At the Flex week luncheon, our state CFT president, Josh Pechthalt, outlined the campaign for a Quality Public Education that will build on the momentum of Prop 30 to support and improve education in California. Goals include making sure that the legislators prioritize adequate and stable long-term funding at all levels of the system.

Here at Cabrillo, CCFT plans to work with the Faculty and Student Senates to sponsor a Forum this fall for the community to address issues such as keeping college affordable and accessible to all, identifying and removing barriers to student success, and assuring that initiatives to bring more online resources do not compromise the quality of education.

debora headshot

by Debora Bone




























Internally among faculty, we are delighted to welcome over forty new full-time and part-time instructors. CCFT is coordinating a mentor program to make sure that these new teachers have someone to answer questions with a union perspective. Our role is to ensure that the contract offers safe and appropriate working conditions and a fair compensation package. It is also our role to help enforce the contract, and provide support, including grievance procedures, in the event of violations. Please commit to spending a little time with one or more of the new faculty and share your knowledge of Cabrillo.

In walking around campus and meeting with various groups of faculty, I am feeling a lightness and enthusiasm that we didn’t see very much during the recent years of economic downturn. With the Accreditation team coming, we have been able to highlight collectively all of the things that we are doing well in spite of recent constraints. Once we demonstrate to these outside observers the quality of what we do, we will have the ongoing opportunity to keep improving the lives of so many, one student at a time. I look forward to being a part of that effort together!